Skeletal System

The function of the skeletal system is to support and protect the body and to allow the body to move.

Five organs are the skull, ribs, clavicle, radius, and humerous.

Your ribs protect your heart, lungs, and several abdominal organs.  The tissues are periosteum, marrow cavity, cartilage, compact bone, and spongy bone.

The Nervous System tells the bones to move.

The Muscular System is attached to bones by tendons and allows the bones to move.

A dislocated joint is when one or more bones have been moved out of place.

A sprain happens when a ligament is stretched too far or torn.

Osteoporosis causes bones to become less dense.  Bones become weak and break more easily.  Age and poor eating habits make it more likely.

Arthritis affects the joints.  It is painful and joints may swell or stiffen.  You are more likely to get it when you are old.

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